RNA co-transcriptionality
A platform for in vivo programming of molecular machines
Speaker: Shinnosuke Seki
Transcription is a process in which an RNA sequence (of bases of 4 types \(A\), \(C\), \(G\), \(U\)) is synthesized from a DNA template sequence (of \(A\), \(C\), \(G\), \(T\)) according to the loss-less mapping \(A \to U\), \(C \to G\), \(G \to C\), and \(T \to A\). The resulting RNA sequence, called transcript, folds upon itself while being transcribed. This co-transcriptional folding (CF) is driven primarily by having helices form between complementary domains (factors), which bind with each other in the anti-parallel manner via base pairs \(A-U\), \(C-G\), and \(G-U\) and then twist, and secondly by having helices stacked...
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